Fishing and Camping around Robinvale-Euston

The infamous Murray Cod, Australia’s largest freshwater fish, is an icon of this length of the Murray and is on most fishermen’s wish list when visiting this region.
Indigenous mythology believes that the Murray Cod created the Murray River and all its fishes.
Along with the cod, yellow belly and silver perch are targeted by fishermen, and when in season, Murray crays.
For any angler in the Murray River a New South Wales fishing licence is required and minimum weights/lengths must be observed to preserve stocks of native fish.
Any non-native fish (such as carp) should be destroyed and not released back into the River alive.
As for camping, you would be hard-pressed to find so many lovely and accessible sites to the Murray as along our part of the River.
So, for the budget minded, bush loving, river person or family, enjoy our part of the River at Robinvale-Euston.
- Freshwater fishing and Guide for the Murray River – NSW/Victoria
- Recreational fishing licence fee – NSW
- Discover Murray River fishing page